Saturday, February 10, 2007

You Might Be A Sociology Grad Student If......

- You can analyze the social/cultural significance of appliances you cannot operate.

- Your small, shared office is better decorated than your apartment.

- You have ever, as a folklore project, attempted to track the progress of your own joke across the Internet.

- You are startled to meet people who neither need nor want to read.

- You have ever brought a journal article to a bar.

- You rate coffee shops by the availability of outlets for your laptop.

- Everything reminds you of something in sociology (even the fucking Blue Man Group!).

- You have ever discussed academic matters at a sporting event.

- You have ever spent more than $50 on photocopying while researching a single paper.

- You can tell the time of day by looking at the traffic flow at the library.

- You look forward to summers because you're more productive without the distraction of classes.

- You regard caffeine as a vitamin.

- You consider all papers to be works in progress.

- Professors don't really care when you turn in work anymore.

- You find the bibliographies of books more interesting than the actual text.

- You have given up trying to keep your books organized and are now just trying to keep them all in the same general area.

- You have accepted guilt as an inherent feature of relaxation.

- You find yourself explaining to children that you are in "20th grade".

- You start refering to stories like "Snow White et al."

- You frequently wonder how long you can live on ramen without getting scurvy

- You look forward to taking some time off to do laundry

- You wonder if ASA style allows you to cite talking to yourself as "personal communication"

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